Licensing Info

Fishing licenses are valid from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. You can begin buying your next year's license on Dec. 1 of the prior year. If you have questions, please call ODFW licensing staff at 503-947-6101.

2024 sport fishing license, tag and permit fees


Annual Angling License

Resident* $44.00
Nonresident $110.50

* Resident is defined as a person who has resided in Oregon at least six months immediately prior to applying for a license, tag or permit. See the e-regulations for more details.

Sports Pac

includes fishing, shellfish and hunting license; combined angling tag; spring turkey, cougar,
general or controlled bear tag, elk and deer tags; upland bird and waterfowl validations

Resident $196.50
Resident with Columbia River Basin Endorsement $206.25
Nonresident N/A

Combined Angling and Hunting

Resident $73.00
Nonresident N/A

Endorsements and validations

Two-rod Validation

Columbia River Basin Endorsement

Resident/Nonresident $9.75, when purchased with angling license
$11.75 when purchased separately
Learn where and for what you need this endorsement


Adult Combined Angling Tag

required if fishing for salmon, steelhead, sturgeon or halibut
Resident $46.00
Nonresident $66.00

Hatchery Salmon/Steelhead Harvest Card

Youth licenses

Annual Combination License (12-17 years old)

includes fishing, hunting and shellfish license and Columbia River Basin Endorsement
Resident/Nonresident $10.00

Youth Sports Pac

includes fishing, shellfish and hunting license; combined angling tag; spring turkey, cougar,
general or controlled bear tag, elk and deer tags; upland bird and waterfowl validations and the Columbia River Basin Endorsement

Resident $55.00
Nonresident N/A

Youth Tags

Youth Angling Combined Angling Tag
Resident/Nonresident $5.00

Resident Senior and Pioneer Licenses

Senior Angling

70 years old and Oregon resident for at least 5 years
Resident $29.00
Nonresident N/A

Senior Combination

70 years old and Oregon resident for at least 5 years
Resident $47.50
Nonresident N/A

Pioneer Combination

65 years old and Oregon resident for at least 50 years;
includes fishing and hunting license and Columbia River Basin Endorsement.

Resident $6.00
Nonresident N/A
To make sure you qualify, visit this page.

Disabled Veteran and Uniformed Service Member licenses

Uniformed Services Angling

Resident N/A
Nonresident $44.00