Credit Card Survey Template
Credit Card Survey Template is designed to assess a better understanding of the purchasing behavior of the customers. The purpose of the survey is to identify the customer's needs for owning a credit card. This QuestionPro questionnaire can be edited according to the degree of required details and questions from the list of question examples can be eliminated. Survey makers edit the exhaustive options list and send out to their respondents.
Which age category do you belong to?
18 years or younger
35 and above
What is your gender?
Other (Please specify)
What is your marital status?
What is your highest educational qualification?
High school
Bachelor degree
Master degree
What is your occupational status?
How many credit cards do you own?
More than 4
What is your monthly income
Above $7000
Which of the following best defines your spending habit?
Do you use your credit card while traveling to other countries?
How many credit card transaction do you make per day?
More than 4
Do you shop online using your credit card?
Which of the following statement matches your credit card usage habits?
I only use a domestic credit card
I only use a foreign credit card
I use both foreign and domestic credit cards
I only use credit card when I travel overseas
Other (Please specify)
How did you apply for the credit card?
I applied for it
It was given to me by my organization
I use a supplementary credit card
Other (Please specify)
What type of credit card do you own?
American Express
Other (Please specify)
What is the category of the credit card you are currently using?
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